College Facilities

  • Infrastructure

  • Computer Lab

  • Central Library

  • Cultural Activities

  • Games & Sports


Books are man’s best friends. They give him company equally in times of happiness as well as in times of distress. They are one of the main sources of knowledge. A library is a place where not only books but also magazines, journals and newspapers are well-stocked for the benefit of the readers. It is a treasure-house of knowledge.
Library is the soul of college keeping this thing in mind, we prioritize student’s welfare, as in our library there are 3821 books. In this we have various types of:

  • Reference Books
  • Text Books
  • Journals
  • Reference Books
  • Competitive Exam books
  • Literatures
  • Magazines and Periodicals

Library Access is free. We believe in free access of library to every student and faculty. Implementation of this scheme provides enormous brainstorming among student and faculty.
NADC is planning to have digital library in future. For book circulation and control, library committee is formed. We are putting valuable, knowledge cuttings from newspaper and display it on notice board. As NADC is implementing ‘earn and learn’ effectively, student under this scheme providing their helping hand in the work of library.

Our vision is:

  • Books are for use
  • Every reader must get book.
  • Every book must get reader.
  • Save the time of reader.
  • Library is developing an establishing Institution.